Tool for the identification and implementation of Environmental Indicators in Ports (TEIP)
The Tool for the identification and implementation of Environmental Indicators in Ports (TEIP) is a methodology that has been developed to assist port authorities in the identification and implementation of environmental indicators.

This tool has been developed by the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) within the framework of the research project PORTOPIA (Ports Observatory for Performance Indicator Analysis).
TEIP is expected to be completed in 20 minutes and it is divided in five steps: Step 1: Port contact detailsStep 2: Significant Environmental Aspects
You are required to enter the Significant Environmental Aspects (SEAs) of your port. A checklist of possible environmental aspects is provided and the user has to select the ones that are considered significant. If you are not sure which are the SEAs of your port, you can proceed to the TEAP tool for their identification.
Step 3: Questions on SEAs
Questions on the SEAs selected on the previous step are requested, in order to identify their most suitable indicators.
Step 4: Questions on environmental management and port development
Questions regarding the environmental management and development of your port are requested, in order to find out the most adequate indicators concerning management.
Step 5: Environmental Performance Indicators
The final list of Environmental Performance Indicators recommended for monitoring in your port is provided in this last step. In addition, specific guidelines for the implementation of each indicator and particular recommendations for ensuring an effective environmental management are also sent by email.
All the data provided in the tool is treated in strict confidence.