Tool for the identification and assessment of Environmental Aspects in Ports (TEAP)
The Tool for the identification and assessment of Environmental Aspects in Ports (TEAP) is a methodology that has been developed to assist port authorities in the identification and assessment of environmental aspects. This tool has been developed by the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) within the framework of the research project PERSEUS (Policy-oriented marine Environmental Research in the Southern EUropean Seas). TEAP is expected to be completed in 30 minutes and it is divided in five parts: Step 1: Port contact details Step 2: Port activities
This step aims at identifying the activities carried out in the port. A large checklist of possible port activities is provided and the user has to select the ones that are applied to his/her port.
Step 3: Environmental aspects
This step provides the list of port aspects that interact with the environment, resulting from the selected port activities.
Step 4: Application of criteria
The use of criteria is applied in order to assess the significance of the previously identified environmental aspects.
Step 5: Significant Environmental Aspects
The final list of Significant Environmental Aspects (SEAs) is provided in the last step.
The results are sent by email to the respondents and are treated in strict confidence. For more information, please visit the TEAP PERSEUS Fact Sheet.